The First Sin of Lord Entropy was to look at the world, and understand it. His second sin was to love it. His third was to hope for its salvation. His fourth was to grow and seek a method to change. His fifth was to have faith in Creation. And as these five sins tore him apart, his sixth sin was to die. 

His seventh sin, from beyond death, was to wish for his plans to go on without him. 

And here you are.

Masters of Evil is a Fairy Tale campaign for Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine, taking place primarily within and around the environs of School, the Bleak Academy, and the dark places in between. So come, and plot to take your place as the true master of Evil, the proper successor to the Lord of the Evil Island.

“Masters of Evil: The Seven Sins of Lord Entropy” can be found in individual pieces here.